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Marci Penner

Year Inducted



  • In 2002 and 2003, she visited every incorporated town in Kansas, 627 of them, as research for "The Kansas Guidebook for Explorers", a popular 432 page tome for people who want to explore the mostly rural areas of Kansas. She again visited all of those towns in 2014 and 2015 for a second edition of the guidebook that will be published in 2016.

  • She started the Kansas Sample Festival that has been held annually since 1990, allowing over 150 communities to show what they have to offer.

  • Among many other things, she organized the We Kan! Conference which helps rural communities be the best they can be at being themselves.

  • Listed are below are a few of her many achievements:

    • 2007 - Leader of the Year for Tourism Development Award from the Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development

    • 2005 - Distinguished Kansan of the Year from the Kansas Native Sons and Daughters

    • 2005 - Momentous Achievement Award from Osborne County Tourism

    • 2003 - Tourism Award of Merit for Individual Achievement from the KDOC State Travel and Tourism Division