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ETC Pregnant & Parenting Resource Pantry

The Emily Taylor Center is committed to supporting the health and wellness of pregnant and parenting students at The University of Kansas. We acknowledge and recognize that material resources are essential to the success of caregiving students. The ETC Pregnant & Parenting Resource Pantry is available to currently enrolled KU students.

The pantry provides access to a myriad of free products for parenting young children. The product list includes:

  • Bottles
  • Diapers (sizes vary)
  • Baby wipes (sensitive & natural)
  • Similac (instant formula)
  • Baby care (including lotion, bath time items, diaper rash products, towels, changing pads, washcloths, bibs, food utensils, pacifiers, potty-training needs, safety-first kits, and more)
  • Onesies (sizes newborn-24 months)
  • Socks (sizes 0-36 months)
  • Pregnancy tests and ovulation tests
  • Caregiver support (items include stretch mark lotion, comfort pillowcase)

Students seeking support should fill out the resource pantry request form. You will be notified when your items are ready for pick up at the Burge Union, Suite 1040.

Throughout Summer 2024, walk-in assistance is available by appointment on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Please email with any questions or to schedule a time to visit the pantry.

If interested in contributing to the Pregnant & Parenting Resource Pantry, you may donate by accessing the Emily Taylor Center's wish list.

Faculty and staff who need access to the resource pantry should email Nikita Haynie, Director, at