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Tips for Pregnant & Parenting Students

  • Set up meetings with professors and academic advisors to develop an academic plan. Having a plan in place that both the student and professor have agreed to and are accountable for is important for continued success.
  • Set up meetings with professors and academic advisors to develop an academic plan. Having a plan in place that both the student and professor have agreed to and are accountable for is important for continued success
  • The Office of Civil Rights & Title IX can provide information regarding what KU can do to support you as a student-parent. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) works to ensure all students, including pregnant and parenting students, have equal educational opportunities. Links to the Office for Civil Rights brochures can be found on ETC's website.
  • Document pregnancy-related absences, experiences of harassment, and any interactions with school officials regarding your pregnancy. If you experience any problems immediately report to KU's Title IX Officer. Campus administrators such as department chairs, deans, or vice provosts (e.g., Diversity and Equity, Student Affairs, Undergraduate Studies) can provide support and guidance. You can consult with KU’s Legal Services for Students at or 785-864-5665.